We are women (most of us reading this).
We are relational by nature.
We care for each other and share our lives together.
So, when does our sharing cross the line?
You know the line.
It's the one that has GOSSIP written on it.
Recently, there's been an event in my life that I have carefully chosen to share. I have shared this news with only a choice few people.
My life and the events of it are not open for
public view,
which would be a greatly boring read anyway.
I discovered in a rather serpentine manner
last week that my "news" and my life had become
public fodder.
My heart cracked open upon the discovery.
I am a very open and straightforward person.
I don't have hidden agendas, I try to speak the truth and I try to be gracious to others.
My life, my little news was no longer MINE.
I had become a snack for the beast---that big,
hairy, smelly, ugly GOSSIP BEAST.
I learned that my life, with my name attached, had been thrown about in an inappropriate manner, in an inappropriate place, by someone I hadn't even
spoken with.
I felt as though my worth as a person was no longer valued. I was reduced to nothing more that a tasty, tender little SNACK.
We have ALL talked. It's what we do, but we must
be aware of this beast who lurks and pounces whenever he's able. He gets his claws in deep and swiflty. Once he has his tail wrapped around you, he's pretty difficult to remove.
It takes awareness, tenacity, patience, self-control and good caring friends to help you get him off your back and out of your life.
If you have true concern for someone, GO to her.
If you feel you can help, GO to her.
If you want to pray, PRAY for her.
If you want to celebrate, celebrate WITH her.
You don't NEED details.
God knows what's going on.
YOU don't need to always know as well.
Let's all stop feeding that beast.
He's one species I'd enjoy seeing extinct.